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Connect defence and PPDR operations with civilian smartphones

Portalify’s multi-network TETRA and mobile broadband capability enables connecting users on different networks together for operational benefits, including even citizen volunteers and PPDR users (Public Protection and Disaster Relief, First Responders).

  • Leverage civilian smartphones and networks for operations
  • Can deploy ad-hoc at incident site without advance setup
  • Collect information securely from the field using smartphones
  • Push information updates out to relevant stakeholders

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Portalify Ltd  |  Upseerinkatu 1, 02600 Espoo, Finland  |  Registration FI16025165  |  |  Tel +358 9 6227 9668
Portalify Ltd  |  Upseerinkatu 1, 02600 Espoo, Finland  |  Registration FI16025165  |  |  Tel +358 9 6227 9668
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