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Portalify adds Damm TETRA network connectivity

Portalify has released the Damm TETRA network gateway, which means we can connect all Portalify applications to Damm TETRA networks directly with IP ethernet connection. Line connection with a TETRA networks provides reliable and high capacity connectivity for applications. Portalify…

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Bridge from TETRA to Broadband with Application Solutions

Applications and data-centric operations bring the future to your users. Regardless of the network, you can provide high added value to your users, from worker safety to more efficient operations and better tools for your staff. Portalify delivers critical applications…

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Database access from your smartphone

Portalify SmartQuery app with Portalify Query server provide a flexible customizable solution for database access from your Android or iOS smartphone into your operational databases. You can access information from your IT systems or input reports from the field, and…

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Applications on multivendor devices

Applications can bring the information you need to the place and time you need it. It is critical that you can access access information using every device and network used in your operations. The applications you use should support all…

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Indoor and Outdoor Location for Situational Awareness

Knowing where your staff is improves job safety and provides quicker response to incidents. Outdoor satellite location tracking is already widely used. Indoor location tracking adds the same benefits to users working mostly inside places like hospitals, airports, shopping centres,…

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Portalify Ltd  |  Upseerinkatu 1, 02600 Espoo, Finland  |  Registration FI16025165  |  |  Tel +358 9 6227 9668
Portalify Ltd  |  Upseerinkatu 1, 02600 Espoo, Finland  |  Registration FI16025165  |  |  Tel +358 9 6227 9668
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